Social media has become a constant companion to most people, and it’s tricky to navigate even during the best of times. How does your relationship with social media change when divorce or other legal struggles are imminent or ongoing?
Precautions for Social Media & Divorce
In Family Law: Social Media Evidence In Divorce Cases, The National Law Review states that “66% of cases involving divorce employ Facebook as one of their principal evidence sources. Even though Washington is a no-fault state, if you are considering divorce or get served with documents, review your social media accounts. They say that it’s impossible to remove something from the internet. While that may be technically true, you can make things harder to find. Making your accounts private, rather than public, is a potential first step. Making your accounts private will not stop people you are already connected with from accessing your posts, but it does keep your spouse’s legal team from having full access to everything you’ve posted for the past ten years.
Everyone should be wary of what they post. Avoid sharing overly personal, detailed, or angry posts about your spouse or the divorce process. Also, avoid sharing information that your Attorney has discussed with you. Everything you say on social media is public (even with a “private” account) and can be used against you. There is a remarkable amount of strategy in the practice of law, and you don’t want to be responsible for inadvertently telling the other side your Attorney’s plan or posting something that goes against a claim you have made in court documents. It could also be beneficial to go through your past social media posts and delete anything that you think could be detrimental to your case.
Cleaning up your “friends” list may be another way to ensure your posts don’t end up in the wrong hands. Do you want to remain connected to your spouse on social media during the divorce? Do you trust their family or your shared friends not to start trouble or act as “spies?”
Tips for Success
Agree with your spouse, either casually or as a part of your divorce paperwork about how and what to post about your children. Not all couples are on the same page regarding how much privacy is best, so communication is always recommended. Discuss when and how to make the official announcement about the divorce, and who (if anyone) needs to be told in person first.
Consider taking a social media break during difficult times in your divorce process – especially initially. It’s tempting to use social media to vent and liming your time could have many unexpected benefits.
ZafiroLaw Can Help
If you are considering divorce or have just been served, please contact our office soon to schedule a consultation appointment. An experienced family law attorney like Katrina S. Zafiro can help you navigate the details involved in the divorce process and advise you on your social media use. Call 206-547-9906 to schedule a consultation for your family law case today.